Another saucy week at the PERFIPROCESS Technology Center.
Several conventional cooking and steam infusion cooking trials with different sauce recipes were performed, using the PERFICOOKER side driven batch cooking unit. The batch cooking technologies were combined with inline cooling provided by our scraped surface heat exchanger PERFITHERM and, of course, automatic cleaning validation once the PERFICLEAN CIP unit was called for duty.
PERFICOOKER, vacuum processing system with aroma collecting/recovering.
This unit is equipped with a high efficiency powder incorporation system, vacuum system with condenser, flowmeters, process controls and pumping systems. The system can be used for several applications, such as syrup preparations, fruit preparations or ready meal components. Smart and efficient automatic systems, developed for small human intervention, reduced product losses and low environmental impact. Our engineering team is anxious for your challenge. Contact us for you next process improvement! A fully automatic batch processing unit has been commissioned and is ready for SAT.
The system developed for pastry cream production counts with integrated automatic ingredient dosing and premixing, batch cooking, preparations blending and finally inline cooling and feed to filler. Starting from scratch from the costumer challenge, our engineering team developed a custom concept using PERFIPROCESS machinery. PERFICOOKER PERFICOOLER PERFITHERM PERFICLEAN. Our premise is seeing each process as a unique. Our goal is to deliver batch processing solutions developed to improve results and improve processes, aiming on the excellence of procedures and integrating state of the art components and technologies. The PERFICOOKER Fry & Cooking Unit, a PERFIPROCESS solution for ready meal components.
Unit developed for processing finger food fillings and other ready meal components, both with meat or just vegetable. Frying is performed using the high pressure steam bottom jacket, together with the round type side driven agitator, simulating wok movements during stir fry and delivering the preparation just like home made. The cooking can be performed either using steam jackets at the body or using OAL steam infusion for faster process times. Unit is equipped with circumferential piston pump for gentle handling product with pieces during recirculation and discharge, and can be fitted with powder dispersing system, high shear homogenizer and/or emulsifier. The system is delivered as a CIP ready setup, including CIP loop, valves, pump and software. One of the multiple cooking technologies available at the PERFIPROCESS range of machinery.
The unit is fitted with anchor agitator with scrapers, refractometer, vacuum setup with liquid ring vacuum pump and condenser, discharge pump and CIP setup for automatic cleaning. Ingredients, including powders, are automatically dosed and controlled by PLC. The system can be used for several applications, such as syrup preparations, fruit preparations or ready meal components. There are no limits for process improvement! Contact us for more information. From mixing to cooking and cooling, either in batch or inline, our PERFIPROCESS wide range of equipment allows a full integration for high demand applications using state of the art technology.
Smart and efficient automatic systems, developed for small human intervention, reduced product losses and low environmental impact. Our engineering team is anxious for your challenge. Contact us for you next process improvement! A new PERFICOOKER unit installed and ready for commissioning.
The vacuum processing system with aroma collecting/recovering will be producing concentrate food ingredients. The unit is equipped with a high efficiency powder incorporation system, vacuum system with condenser, flowmeters, process controls and pumping systems. The CIP ready concept was applied and the unit will work together with PERFITHERM aseptic cooling system, both cleaned by a PERFICLEAN, Cleaning in Place the complete line. Aseptic Cooling Station ready for shipment!
The cooling unit composed by a PERFITHERM Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger and Aseptic Buffer Tank will serve a production line for concentrate sauces, where a PERFICOOKER cooking and reduction unit are already installed. The unit will do the inline product cooling, buffering and feeding to the filling units. Different destinations can be selected manually, via swing bend panel. The complete system will be integrated with a PERFICLEAN CIP cleaning system for fully automatic and safe cleanable, as all the systems developed by PERFINOX. #FoodProcessing #PERFIPROCESS #Perfinoxgroup #ProcessSystems #processengineering #FoodProcess #Process #ProcessSolutions #FoodEngineering #TaylorMadeSolutions #Systemengineering PERFICOOKER LAB, an upscale unit for product development.
The laboratory system from the PERFIPROCESS range is composed by a 50l vacuum cooking vessel, with condenser and aroma recover system, fitted with anchor type agitator with scrapers, capable to handle high viscous products. Solid ingredients are inserted via hopper through the high efficiency rotor-stator system for powder dispersion, and liquid ingredients could be inserted via hopper or suction lance. Product is recirculated and discharged with rotary piston pump for gentle product handling. The heating process is done with over heated water and the system is capable also to cool down the product with tap or cold water. A compact, versatile and self cleanable solution, capable to CIP itself without moving/removing any part. PERFINOX focused in your applications, improving your process. #FoodProcessing #PERFIPROCESS #Perfinoxgroup #ProcessSystems #processengineering #FoodProcess #Process #ProcessSolutions #FoodEngineering #TaylorMadeSolutions #Systemengineering #cleaninplace Project Conclusion | PERFICOOKER for baby food processing
Location: Spain PERFICOOKER We are glad to deliver another amazing plant. This time, a different concept for baby food processing. The system developed by PERFINOX is composed by 2 vacuum cookers with aroma recovery, inline SteamInfusion, inline homogenizing and automatic ingredient dosing. The commissioning went well and the customer is now at full production! We are proud and looking forward to the next process challenge! #FoodProcessing #Perfinoxgroup #ProcessSystems #processengineering #FoodProcess #ProcessSolutions #FoodEngineering #TaylorMadeSolutions #PERFICOOKER |
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